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Get immersed into a Virtual Event

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

New way to explore virtual environments We know the event industry is looking for solutions. Pulse Studio is here to help you put your virtual events into action. We’ve been working on solutions as alternatives to large gatherings. We want to give you access to what we’re working on. We hope this adds to your digital toolbox and can help you present high quality virtual options to your clients. Explore the features of our Virtual Event Demo here:

You can still have your event. We can take everything you normally do for events and just do it digitally. Virtual events allow your attendees to access your events through their screens. One of the great features is that once virtual events go live, they are always available anytime, anyplace for anyone. We’ve been working on a browser and mobile device friendly solution that has a low barrier to entry. This won’t replace the power and experience of live events, but it will help get us through this. Once things get back to normal, virtual events can exist even after the real events are over. Engagement

  • Designing for engagement – We can design the event traditionally and keep it familiar for people to understand the virtual event environment. Attendees understand the inherent functions of kiosks, help desks and activations. We just present them virtually.

  • Guided Experience or Open World? – You can control how the attendees experience your event. Whether it starts with a very specific path to get to a focal point or you let the user decide what/when to look at something, the choice is yours.

  • Private Expos – Imagine an expo with your client at the middle of the experience. Attendees are focused on your client’s booth without their competitors booth across the aisle. We can create a private invite-only expo that showcases the client’s message, their supply chain partners and relevant vendors.


  • Demos and Activations – We can integrate existing applications and product demos or help you develop new ones. Touchscreens, websites, video can all have a place in the Virtual Events

  • Product Interactions – We have 3 models with text, images and videos for product demos. Or we can add interactive 3d models with touch points to deepen the experience and showcase any product.

  • Time released content – If you want your keynote speaker to start at 10am Central, we can do that. We can still provide release of scheduled content when you want to go live.


  • Unique Storytelling – With virtual environments you can take your attendees anywhere. You are not bound to any real life location. If you sell parts for satellites, we can put your booth on the moon. If you sell scuba gear, we can be underwater. We can be as creative as you want.

  • Use Existing Designs – If you’ve already paid for everything to be designed, don’t worry. We can work with your existing 3D files to build out the event. We can even capture an existing space with 360 photography and create a similar Virtual Experience.

  • Expandable/Scalable Hub – Imagine a hub world that you can add new sections as needed. There are no walls or ceiling to limit your expansion. We can treat this as one large world or break it out in sections.

  • General Sessions, Break-Outs, Trade Show Booths, & Interactive Kiosks – These can all be designed as you normally would. We can still customize and brand them to look and function however the client wants, including as sponsorship opportunities.


  • Connecting with API’s – This can work in parallel with other solutions you are working with. If we can work with open API’s like Zoom, ZenDesk or whatever meeting schedulers that lets us build your experience quicker.

  • Tie in existing websites & resources – You may have existing resources like websites, activations or games that you’ve already developed. We can integrate them in your virtual event.

  • User Analytics – We built in an admin dashboard that helps with tracking and seeing what people looked at and how long they looked at something.

We don’t live in a bubble. (Well maybe for a short time during this pandemic…) Pulse Studio is open to feedback and want to hear from you. We would like to know what you and your clients need. If you are interested in combining our services with yours, please use our contact page or email us at FacebookTwitterLinkedIn

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