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NOVO Nordisk 


Degludec Product Launch


MGM Grand / Las Vegas



LED Tunnel

Journey Experience

Full Projection Mapping

Live Performance

Audience Interaction

Educating their Sales Force

Novo Nordisk brought to market an insulin drug called Degludec. Pulse Studio was brought in to design an event educating the Novo sales force about the drug’s effect, dropping patient’s blood sugar numbers.

Grand Arena, Grand Beginning

The event was at the MGM grand arena in Las Vegas. Our goal was to tell the drug’s story by creating a memorable experience that would both engage and inform attendees. Like all grand journeys, this one began with a transition from the everyday world to the world of the extraordinary. This transition dramatically began with a passage through an LED tunnel that made attendees feel like they were floating up into the sky. With this device, we perfectly introduced the concept of slowly and gently dropping a patient’s test results as if by parachute on a warm summer day.

Theater in the Round Experience

The arena was set up as a theater in the round experience, with the center stage designed to look like a large parachute with full projection mapping. Above the stage in the air were large LED panels that connected the stage to the sky.

Dramatic Punctuations

Throughout the event, key moments were underscored with dramatic punctuations:

  • One moment miniature parachutes holding gifts were dropped from the ceiling;

  • At another precisely cued instant, we dropped balloons in a pearl configuration that illustrated on how the drug worked on a microscopic level;

  • Live performers interacted with the stage through 3D projection mapping;

  • Unforgettable audience participation featured attendees using flashlights to create illuminated imagery and further the Degludec story.


Animation and Renders from the Event:

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