Have Eyeliner. Will Travel.
Mobile Marketing Campaign
Mobile Locations
3 Different Creative
Kohl’s carries makeup lines?
Kohl’s wanted to develop a mobile marketing campaign to boost consumer awareness about their makeup lines. We were asked to render several proposal concepts, each a different size / budget, but all with the same goal. Inspired by the “small, medium, large” approach we designed and modeled a GEM car, flatbed truck, and cargo container; each vehicle designed to look like a professional makeup case. As part of the consumer experience, professional make-up consultants would give women make-overs. Immediately following their salon session, attendees would have the opportunity to have a professional photo shoot and post the pictures on social media.
Here’s what it will look like…
As part of the proposal, we showed each prospective vehicle in various stages of setup. We also populated the scenes with makeup and other props to help sell the proposed environment. To ensure the speediest and most effective proposal creation process, as we developed the models, the production company worked on graphics. We sent them our renderings and they would Photoshop their graphics onto our screens.
Renders from the Event: